
November 17-19, 2008

Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)


SERENE 2008 is organized by the ERCIM working group SERENE and is being held in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT


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SERENE is a new event joining together two series of events:

RISE workshop: http://rise.uni.lu sponsored by ERCIM
EFTS workshop: http://efts.uni.lu

Since SERENE 08 is a RISE/EFTS joint workshop, you can consult the previous editions of RISE/EFTS. Post-proceedings of RISE were published as volumes in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. Concerning EFTS 2006, a post-proceeding book was published in World Scientific Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering – Vol. 19 (http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/6362.html). The EFTS 2007 proceedings are available from the ACM Digital Library
(http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?i…TOKEN=49838457) and a special journal issue is currently in preparation for publication in the International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering (http://www.crlpublishing.co.uk/journ…%20and%20Scope).